Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey, all you babes out there!!!!

Valentine Smile
On Valentine's Day we think of those
Who make our lives worthwhile,
Those gracious, friendly people who
We think of with a smile.
I am fortunate to know you,
That's why I want to say,
To a rare and special person:
Happy Valentine's Day!

That's a poem by Joanna Fuchs (DON'T YOU DARE THINK I MADE THAT NAME UP!!!) for my friends and family, because you know I love ya!

This is one of my goofy ways of sending some love, laughter, and roses out into the world this week---and say I hope you have am AWESOME Valentine's Day! Be sweet to your babies, too. (Please see my parenting links to get ideas on what I mean.)

Thanks for making the world a better and more peaceful place!

Love to all,

P.S. The kids and I (plus their rockin' daddy) are going to be at a Valentine's Day skating party with our friends on Thursday and the crazy man (my lovely husband) will be taking me dancing into Valentine's Day! Yes, we're going dancing Saturday night. Looking forward to an exciting end to our week. Now that our babies are older we get to do some wild stuff again.
(Photo credit) http://filegets.com/screenshots/full/heavenly-valentines-screensaver_394.gif

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