Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hina Doll UPDATE

Look at the wonderful email I received last night:

My name is ____________, and I just found your website And yes, I collect Hina Dolls!
Much to my surprise I got an email yesterday about the Hina doll trade:

I was wondering if you still happen to have them, and if so, what sorts of things you're interested in for trading?
I am a packrat, and sell things for fun on eBay when it's time to clear house--I am trying to make some Christmas money and am putting some things up on eBay right now, but if I can find something you'd like and give you a trade for these dolls, I would love to do this, as I really, really do want them!
Are you interested in clothes, saris, collectibles, sports stuff, CDs and books, jewelry, Christmas items--or anything in particular? I'm dying to have these dolls, so I'd love to make a deal! They will have a place of honor with my antique teddy bears and other Hina Dolls!
Are there certain things you might be interested in? Otherwise, I'll list some collectibles, nice jewelry, small appliances and other things we have around here and in our storage room---and you can let me know what interests you!
The Hina Dolls will have a very loving home here, so I do hope I can find something for you---I'll email again tonight with a list!
Thanks again, Heather!

So exciting! I have no idea what I should suggest to trade them for??? Any thoughts, friends or family? I changed my comments to moderated because I was getting spammed. Friends and family, please let me know if you make a comment and doesn't get through within 24 hours.



Heidi Snavley said...

Just keep in mind that you need to trade UP! Make it worthwhile for yourself so that you can reach that goal! Make sure it is something that is worth at least twice as much as the dolls and I would trade ONE item, not several. If you don't double it every trade it's going to be hard to get to the motorhome.

Holly said...

Oooh, fun! I have no input, but I'm sure you'll think of something that will get you that much closer to your bus!

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Thanks for the advice. I will do my best. :O)