We've been really busy here, and doing mostly indoor things. Winter kicked in here last week with an ice storm. Tomorrow we are expecting more snow. The kids have been doing a lot of fort making, coloring, wrestling with friends, Gamecube time, bird/squirrel watching from our patio door, and running errands with me. We've had friends over about every day lately. We spent the day with friends' yesterday and I went to the YMCA by myself for about 45 minutes! What a treat!
Cliff has been living in the desert with no internet access and not much phone access (to call us). We really miss him! He is glad we will be going to Texas for Christmas. He knows I miss the warm winters and it will be good for me to be with family. We will be taking our bikes and bathing suits. We can't wait! It is one of the awesome perks about unschooling! We consider everything in life to be learning and we learn from all our adventures. I'm constantly amazed at all the cool things my kids say and do. We had fun with our unschooling friends yesterday who are also learning and doing all sorts of fun things. We also like our friends who go to school, but it is neat to see how kids grow without formal schooling.
I love being with my kids and wouldn't miss our adventures for anything. I can see them building a wonderful bond and they are learning how to give and take in amazing ways. They love being together during the day and then having after 3:00 p.m. to play with friends. Today some of their friends got out early and we had a little party. I am really going to miss them when we are in Texas. I know they will miss us as well. And their parents will be glad when we come home since they will be checking on our house, and miss their kids having a fun place to come visit. Our house is known as the fun house! I am so honored by that. I know when my boys are teens they will be here and I will get to meet their friends. Their life will not be a secret. And plus I get the cool mom label. Kids like to talk to me and I like to talk to them. I can see all their hardships. I remember mine very well. There was a time in my life that I thought being a hard-a$$ was more important than being human. Sometimes I revert. But overall I am trying to be a person my kids are proud of and who I can be proud of as well. I love overhearing my boys talking about me in positive ways. Because of the respectful way that I parent that will not change when they are teens. That is something I am really excited about. I never cringe when I think of the teen years.
I just wish the rest of the world would hurry up and learn all this. It would make the world a much better place and more peaceful.
I hope no one is stressing about the holidays. I am giving everyone in my family a 10 minute massage of their choice and a family photo. Other than this I am mailing Christmas cards...something I enjoy doing for the most part. No tree here since we won't be here.
Much love to all....
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