Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nice tent and raft to trade

A funny thing happened today when Cliff started to assemble the tent. Actually it wasn't so funny. He noticed there were no tent stakes. Ooops. And about half the poles were missing. So we are including our own personal tent we purchased in April this year. We didn't bother to assemble it because we know all the pieces are there and it works. The person who traded us the tent we were going to use did not realize pieces were missing. She actually never used it and had picked it up used. Ooops.

The raft is large and decent. I took it to the gas station to air it up and to check for holes. It seems nice and sturdy. To see photos please visit our other blog:

We have listed these items for trade on craigslist--however, if you know anyone who may want to trade with us, please pass our info onto them. Thanks.

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