Monday, September 4, 2006

You're #1!!!

This afternoon it was rainy so we decided to head to the SCI (Science Center of Iowa). On our way we took a some items to donate to Salvation Army. And we also stopped at an auto part store to recycle several gallons of used motor oil we had in our garage for way too long.

While the kids and I were in the parking lot there was a woman sitting in her vehicle next to us waiting on her husband. I had the window down and I was talking to the boys about the .75, Dollar General store airplanes they were playing with. She smiled and said "those are neat airplanes." Then she asked me, "how old?" I told her "four and almost 2." In a humble voice she asked if they were good boys and I said "they're the best." Shortly afterward she got out with two flat $1 bills and started to fold them. She stood outside my car window and showed me how she folds $1 bills into rings for kids where she works at a psychiatric hospital. She made a ring for each of my boys. I felt bad I didn't have any money to give her, but she didn't seem to mind.

She was a very cool woman! Her name was Jan!! It was awesome to have an experience like that with a total stranger. So many people are fearful of the unknown. I was even a little apprehensive of her sitting there in her car until she opened herself up to our family. I am friendly and usually a happy-go-lucky person by nature. Most people have always been kind to me and I have always been trusting. Thank heavens my experiences with people are generally positive. I expect to be treated gently and I generally am giving and kind to others too. I believe what we hold in our hearts and our thoughts/beliefs are what we draw to us. Also, what comes around goes around maybe? If I am in a foul mood and expect a certain negative outcome that is what I get in return instead...

All humans, no matter what their appearance long to feel like they're #1! I think Jan must be pretty good at what she does for a living and as a grandmother, because she made us feel #1 today!

Photos: 1. Holden wearing the ring. Notice how the number one is the center of the ring. 2. A sign inside the Science Center by the "Who Are We" platform experience room. I thought it was fitting for the experience we had with Jan.

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