Sunday, November 1, 2009

Landfills, pumpkin pies, rat cage

Yesterday we talked about landfills and the boys had no idea what that was. I know we have talked about it before, but it must have been awhile. We talked about the reason we try not to buy plastic toys any more than necessary. And I found a short on-line video about landfills. That really hit home. They love the movie Wall-E, and have some sort of concept about recycling since we do that with our garbage. We have a recycling container in our kitchen that we dump into a large green container that gets rolled the curb and emptied every two weeks.

Right now I am processing our Halloween pumpkins into soup and pies. I made a spicy pumpkin soup the other other day with carving extras I saved. It wasn't too terrible either. I boiled the pumpkin and then pureed it in the blender. I added butter, soy milk, sea salt, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon and cumin and cooked it on the stove top.

We started the rat cage yesterday. We didn't have enough wire mesh to finish the door. So Cliff is going to the hardware store and grocery store now to see what he can find.

This afternoon we are going outdoors! It is going to be a warm day here for Nov. 1! Awesome!

Happy November!


P.S. My yeast spell seems better today, although I am tired and achy. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the candy I ate won't come back to bite me.


juliecache said...

if we have another talk from metro waste, i'll make sure you're invited.

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Thanks, Julia! I'd like that. :O)