Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tales from our abundantly joyous day

Today when hubby came home from school I made dinner then went on a nice, long hike with Holden (7) at Brown's Woods. I was able to show him the bee hive I saw last time which is off the back loop. We didn't find the raccoon remains I had covered with sticks last time I was there. We could smell it, but not locate it. We went to the waterfall. Didn't see any fish...just water bugs. We loved hearing the chorus of frogs by the river. The trail was nice and dry compared to last time I was there. I loved all the sunshine and warmth today. Can't wait to go back next time when the trees are all blooming.

Holden informed me today that he has two loose teeth now. He asked to go to the dentist asap to get help pulling them out because they are hurting him. There is a lot of pressure in his mouth from the teeth coming in. So he'll be getting at least one tooth pulled in the morning.

Camden has been fascinated with music lately and Holden wants me to download some songs to an MP3 player for him. So we've been compiling some songs via youtube and bookmarking them on the computer. I have a folder on the toolbar just for their music.

Both boys played with friends this afternoon and evening. This morning a repair man came over to look at the kitchen. He is due to come back Friday. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Friday I will have my sink all hooked up!!!!! I interviewed quite a few people we found on to finish our kitchen. They were all eager to help and work. Many people are looking for work.

A lot of other really cool things took place today, but I am going to bed. Just wanted to highlight the main events. I wish I could type up all the dialog that took me by surprise. I'm so impressed with the way my guys communicate with me. They make me laugh so hard. The things they tell their friends and the way the stand up for each other is neat to watch as well. For the most part we don't have a lot of issues with the kids we live near. We've worked out a lot of kinks over the years. We've invested a lot of time getting to know them and their parents. We try to be neighborly and kind. Some neighbors we don't know well will be having their first child soon. That should be an interesting experience to witness from afar.

Tomorrow will be another really interesting day. Our Shadow girl will be getting spayed. I will miss her and think of her all day!

Happy trails my friends and family,
Heather xoxox

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