Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

Err. I mean Iowa. The kids and I went on a hike with a few friends last week. It is turning out to be a wonderful fall here! I am burning myself out on outdoor adventures though. I know what is coming! But I am trying to tell myself that it is going to be an awesome winter. I am not much of a fan of the cold. I think I am going to go buy myself a nice winter coat and just get out there as much as I can once this Indian summer is over. We were wearing shorts today!

All is well here and excited about this month. October is one of my favorite months. Cliff and I were married this month. Our anniversary is in a few weeks. I also love Halloween! The boys and I decided to cobweb the bushes in our front yard. The next day a neighbor asked if they were real! Ha ha! I'm hoping Halloween will be decent weather. We love going trick or treating around our neighborhood. Last year my sister-in-law (Cliff's sister) and her kids went with us. Cliff was in Iraq. He had just gone back after the loss of his mom. The anniversary of her passing was yesterday.

Cliff and I are waiting for Thursday like none other. He has a four day weekend. This weekend is his Navy Reserve weekend. Blah. We have put some car issues on the back burner. And instead of going out of town like we had hoped, he will be playing mechanic next weekend. And I'm sure we will have some decent family time together.

On a side note, we are getting new neighbors soon. The house next door to us has been vacant since June. It will be interesting to see what changes that will bring to our lives. Funny how life sometimes feels like it will never change, then all the sudden you look back and almost nothing is the same. And that is not always a bad thing.

Much love to all. May the jungles of your life be filled with cute little monkeys!


(Last two photos: My Camden monkey's first winter snow suit and boots; All bundled up to play, Camden's second winter to go outside. He didn't have a 3rd Iowa winter since we were in Texas. don't ya feel sorry for him? I am looking forward to going sledding this winter!)

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