Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He's FREE!

Today all four of us set our little turtle free today in the neighborhood pond. We kept our little painted turtle we found near our neighborhood lake for a week, and that was long enough for him, I'm sure. It was nearly impossible for him not to be touched and oohed and ahhhed over. We fell in love with the little thing. It was REALLY hard and emotional to let him go, even though it was the right thing to do. Cliff and Holden went fishing today and saw several other little turtles in the lake near our house. But we are trying really hard to let our kids know creatures are happier in their natural environment. So, this is why we let our little friend go. I'm not sure I would feel right about keeping any creature, other than a cat or dog. Every time I read about where to get a pet, I am reminded that lots of animals are taken from the wild and sold for profits. That makes me really sad. If we ever decide to get a pet, we may have to look into some kind of pet adoption or rescue society for birds or reptiles.

It was an awesome week with Painty (or Spider Turtle, other nick name). All of the boys' friends fell in love with the little turtle. I hope they are all proud of our decision to set him free. It's a hard thing for little boys to understand. I hope one day they will...

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