Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A warm Texas welcome to Cliff!

Cliff got in this weekend and we have been having a blast having him here. Both boys' faces lit up when they saw him. My sister and I made a ham and turkey dinner for him to enjoy the night he got here. The weather has been awesome and we are so grateful to be together again as a family.
We're just unwinding right now and will hopefully be going on our family vacation in about a week and a half. Cliff and I are going on a date this weekend and we are adjusting awesomely. He has been so wonderful and perfect to be around. I am really proud of him and who he is as a father and husband. He hasn't made me wait on him hand and foot--and he has been a HUGE help.
WE LOVE YOU CLIFF!! We're so glad you're finally here. Much love to the world!!!
(The photos are of us at 7 Acre Woods, a park in Conroe, and Camden blowing bubbles on Easter.)

1 comment:

Heidi Snavley said...

So glad to hear Cliff made it home safe and sound. I'm sure it seemed like an eternity but you made the most of your time!! Enjoy your vacation!!