The two young chickens that were reclaimed on Sunday have been given to us. The past three days the boys have been going ga-ga over them. The previous owners are going to get a dog. We decided to keep them as an early 4-H type project. There will be a lot of learning going on, as well as loving. Both boys love to cuddle with the young hen and follow her around the wooded lot next door. She is so sweet. The young male chicken, on the other hand, has a mind of his own. He does what he wants, when he wants. And he does not like to cuddle! This morning when I went to let him out of the chicken coop, he had already let himself out.
I'm not sure how they will do on the ride home to Iowa, but we will figure it out when the time comes. We may even go to the feed store to find out if there is a tranquilizer we can give them before the ride home. If the birds don't need it I will. LOL.
I will upload some photos of the boys with the chickens sometime this week or weekend, when time allows. I have been trying to get ready for Spring Break next week. The boys' cousin will be here and Cliff may make it here by Easter weekend, if all goes well.
Much love and joy to all...
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