Old Mother Goose, when she wanted to wander, would ride through the air on a very fine gander.
Sometimes I feel like a mother duck, or a mother goose, or even like Old Mother Goose. Except I may be a little like all of those things. Today my two little ones and I decided to wander. But rather than ride through the air, which would be more fun, we went by foot. Today was fore casted to be the nicest day of the week. The boys asked to go to a park! The closest park (2 miles away) has a gate around it to prevent night time vandals. It is in a nice area and is next to water. I decided it would look less obvious that we snuck in if we walked rather than parked on the outside of the gate. We crawled under the fence posts and had a nice visit.
While we were there we met a couple of cute ducks. We ate a picnic lunch, and fed the ducks our bread crust. Then my sweet sister picked us up because we were pooped.
Old Father Gander when the wind was fast and loose would ride through the air on a very fine goose.
Our lovely wandering traveller, Cliff is finally not in Iraq anymore. I hope he gets to ride a fine jet airplane back to the U.S. That won't happen for a bit longer. But we are thrilled. They had a terrible sand storm there this week. We're just so happy he is alive and well. He is very excited about getting home and his duty being complete.
Well, this silly goose has some things to finish before it is dinner time. Much love to all...
Yah! I'm so glad his tour is just about over! I wasn't sure if he was just home for a bit, so that wwas great to hear. Our nephew is there now, and was already doing patrols within a couple of days! Just doesn't seem right. :( Let him know we're thinking about him.
We wish he were here now. This month is not moving fast enough for me. ;) Thanks for all the kind words.
Vicki, I am sorry your nephew has to be away from family. It is really tough over there. The days are long and they really don't get days off. I think Cliff had two days off. But he got to come home when his mom was sick. It was hard for him to go back. He had to shut his feelings off. He has had no time to grieve. But he is doing awesome!
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