Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yummy to their tummy

Some say we are weird for liking things like mangos, artichokes, and avocados! I say we are lucky! And I feel so fortunate to have kids who like to cuddle up and eat these yummy snacks with me. Tonight I steamed an artichoke for about 25 minutes. Afterward I melted some butter to dip the leaves and heart into. I love the melted butter with lemon, but we ran out of lemons last week. We have a lot of fun eating artichokes together! The hardest part is splitting the heart in thirds. I learned how to eat an artichoke this way about 30 years ago from my Columbian grandmother. I should buy some artichokes next time I visit her, so we can share some with the boys! She would get a huge chuckle out of them eating artichokes.


After: What is left after we chew the ends off the non-pointed side of these leaves. The hairy part of the heart is in the bowl with the tiny chewed up leaves from the middle.

1 comment:

Deanne said...

We love artichokes and mangoes here too. We eat our artichokes stuffed with a seasoned breadcrumb olive oil and garlic mixture. Mmmmm! I love the sweet aftertaste of artichokes. I only wish they weren't so expensive! ;P