Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Read with me"

It's interesting to see young children so fascinated with life and learning. One of the librarians at our library says I'm lucky not to have to beg my kids to like books. She witnessed Camden (2 in Oct.) sitting down looking at a book one day. She was so surprised. I have to remind myself how we got to this point. I never force my kids to sit and read when they want to play. (In fact I've never used sitting as any type of punishment or unenjoyable experience.) I read to them at bedtime or sometimes during the day we'll read a book. I never go nutso if I am reading a a book they don't like and force them to sit thru it. If it is boring to them, it is boring to me too. Holden picks out his own picture books and has good taste in books. I pick out non-fiction books for them while they are doing puzzles at the library. I pick out books I know they will enjoy or find interesting. If it is not interesting I will fall asleep. And I never force myself to do something I don't enjoy. I know my kids will see thru it.

Lately, we've been doing a lot of cuddling indoors with movies and books. During the outdoor days we don't do much reading or movie watching. So this time of year does not seem so grueling or tedious. Once books and movies get boring we'll move into doing other fun indoor activities again.

Holden and I were cleaning and Camden helped for a bit then he found an airplane book. So he sat on the couch with it for a good while. Then he went upstairs and found another stack of books. So he put them on the bed and looked them over. After we finished cleaning he came to me with a shark book and said, "Read with me." Oh life can be so wonderful when kids are not coerced, controlled, or nagged!

By the way, I'm not anti-video game. We have an older Nintendo console, but Holden doesn't get into it. He likes computer games, but he is not too computer literate yet. No matter what my kids choose to enjoy I will support them. Right now they like reading and next week it may be something else.

Holden (almost 5) told me today he is going to live with me/us forever because he likes me. I wonder if he will feel the same in 10 years? I think as long as I keep treating his needs as valid and taking an interest in him, he will continue to like me as well. Not that I would expect or strive for him to want to live with us forever. But if a parent and child like and enjoy eachother, they can accomplish many great things together and experience a lot of joy in the process.


Ann said...

Hi Heather!
When my kids were younger, about the age of Camden and Holden, they planned to buy the houses on either side of our house, so that we could always live near each other. While that idea has changed, they both still want to stay near when they are older. Alyce and I even talk about running a business together in a few years.

I is nice to enjoy spending time with our kids, and to have them enjoy being with us!

wouldn't change it!

Heather said...

It's so precious when our kids say they want to be near us forever...My daughter wants to have a house built by us. She asked her Dad recently if he would help her make a house because she doesn't know how to. Also she is concerned about cooking and driving on her own. She says she's not a very good cooker or driver yet. LOL. My middle child, Hunter, wants to live with us forever or has plans to move in with his brother. Tanner...has been talking about moving out for the past 2 years. (He's 10) He wants to buy a van and live in it and travel...but then be able to come back home whenever he wants...It's amazing how diverse my kids are!

inconsequentia said...

heather, what a great post, and fantastic pictures. our family misses being so near you. best wishes!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

I love to read about other families experiencing the same thing with their kids wanting to be near. How awesome! Thanks for all the sweet comments.

Heidi Snavley said...

I can remember when Kevin used to tell me that he was going to marry me. It is true though that if you stay on this path they will, most likely, always want to be around you. Kevin is quite independent and looks forward to the day he has his "own place" but he loves hanging out with me and still kisses me and hugs me in front of his friends. He has a few friends who have said that they wish I was their mom.