Friday, October 6, 2006


I've been trying to get more exercise this week since Cliff's been home a lot. I've been going on walks while the kids are in the basement watching PBS for the short amount of time they are down there. That way they don't even know I'm gone! I know they'd want to go and it would slow me down. This morning I was putting my shoes on both boys walked up the stairs. They knew I was going somewhere and asked to go. I told them they could go if Camden sat in the stroller. Camden looked at me and said, "walk" in a dead serious voice. I got down on my knees and told him again he could only come with me if he was in the stroller. Again he looked at me seriously and with wide eyes and clearly and loudly said, "W A L K." I got the message loud and clear. He would not sit in the stroller. He would only go if he could WALK!

So Cliff helped me to distract them and I went on my walk. As I was walking away Holden yelled out the window that he wanted to come too. Cliff talked him out of it since he didn't have his shoes or coat on and I was half way down the street.

So what was I thinking when I sold the treadmill a few years ago???

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