Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life's well in Iowa

Gosh do we know how to make up for long winters here! We have fun in the summer and never want to be indoors, E.V.E.R.!!! I love falls here too! Fall seems like it will never end.

We had a really awesome weekend. We can prove it. See our flickr photos if you doubt me.

Sending out happy NOT back to school vibes!!! Holden asked me today why kids all don't just homeschool. That led to an interesting family conversation about our government and life choices. It's great to wake up and realize all the choices we actually have in this great land of the free.

Love to all! It is late and I am riding on fumes from the best weekend of late! The only thing that would have made it better, is if you were here. Yes YOU! Our friends and family! Must. get. sleep.

~Heather xoxox


Jack said...

sounds like a great time! Hope you guys have a ton of other weekends like this.


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Me too! ;)