Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dreaming and scheming

Cliff and I are in the planning stages of our next five years. Thanks to Uncle Sam, Cliff is going back to school for at least a year and a half to finish his bachelors degree. He has two, two-year degrees. A month or so ago I casually mentioned how I thought it would be neat to teach English abroad, so we can travel overseas. You have to have at least a two year degree and a four year degree is even better for nicer locations. So, he is all excited about getting his four year degree, in something other than teaching at the moment.

I am even considering finishing my two year degree on-line, if possible. That way we can take turns working overseas--but we would all reap the benefits. This is a just another plus to homeschooling, it can be done anywhere, anytime. So, school can not tie us down. Lots of well known people have reaped the benefits of an open mind and schooling/learning doesn't take all day like government run schools.

We are going to write up our goals and post them somewhere, so we can see them daily. We are very excited about the future.

Cliff is still going to physical rehab for his shoulder and he is slowly getting better, but he will never be 100% again. The military has it's draw backs, but so far they are taking care of us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! What a dream, indeed. Here's to making it all happen...