Well, so far, so good. We officially survived our first week back home together, many doctor appointments, and trying to do too much. Cliff had the worst of everything though. He has had some physical ailments irritating him and hopefully the worst will be over soon. He has some problems with his arms (shoulder and elbows). So far the elbows are better after one doctor appointment. He'll know on Monday at a follow-up appointment what is wrong with his shoulder.
We are both still working on getting very flexible part time jobs, so we can have a really awesome summer and Cliff can have the summer with us, for the most part. The boys are loving having their dad home and so am I. He is a HUGE help with the kids and other things around here. He's taking Holden to a movie tomorrow. And next week he is taking Camden to the zoo. I have time to exercise at least an hour a day, and he doesn't expect me to cook very much since I am trying to lose weight. We used to eat meat five nights a week. And since we have been home I have cooked meat twice. And I could live without it 90% of the time. It was a big expense for us. I'm so grateful he has been so giving on that issue.
All is going fine here. Once we get through next weeks dentist and doctor appointments--and a few other not so fun things, I will be so grateful. I have my yearly gyno appointment on Monday and that is not my favorite thing. AT. ALL! I'd rather go to the dentist, which will take place the in another week or so.
I could go on and on, but I am just avoiding going to bed. Everyone else is asleep, but me. That is not a good sign. I am usually asleep before Cliff. But he did have a hard day with two doctor appointments. I better get my butt to bed.
Happy May to all. May beautiful spring flowers surround you now or soon! ;)
Photos: Holden at the Austin Children's Museum. We love it there. It was our second time there. We can spend hours there. It is like a Science Center, but more fun for younger kids; H and C drawing with pencils at cousin Michael's in Austin (they LOVE to write, draw/color, and cut paper); me with the boys visiting my grandmother, Maria in Austin. I got to talk to her today! She sounded great.
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