We're having a fun weekend! We helped my brother-in-law and sister with a crawdad boil yesterday. The boys and their cousin, Robbie, were fascinated for hours with the live crawdads! It was a good time! We ate outside at a large table and it was a gorgeous night. Afterward we all cleaned up and watched a DVD.
We've had some interesting creature encounters besides the crawdads. The boys found an anole lizard the other day and let it go. The next day I saw it and took photos of it sunning itself. I found a tree frog hiding in the canas and later I found a bird nest with egg on the back porch belonging to a Carolina Wren. It was tucked in a pony tail palm plant. I hope we didn't scare the bird away because I haven't seem it today.
We are making preparations for our vacation next week. I am making packing lists and doing laundry. Tomorrow or Tuesday we have to go pick up some food supplies, a kite, and sand toys for the beach. I printed out some info we need for places we know we are going to visit.
Holden neatly wrote out the word: AOPL the other night. I am not sure why, but he asked me what it spelled. Well, it almost spells OPAL. He is learning new things every day and owns his learning and knowledge. He is a fascinating boy!
We can't wait to go to the Gulf Coast in a few days with our boys. We know they will learn many new things and we will have some much needed family time away from many distractions. We're so glad we decided to stay and Texas and have Cliff meet us here. It is turning out to be a good decision. We have a lot of not so fun tasks to tend to like doctor appointments and dental appointments when we get home. So, this is awesome to be here in Texas with family and beautiful warm weather for a bit before we get back to put off life tasks.
This will most likely be my last post for about a week and a half. Thanks for the sweet comments last week, friends. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Much love and peace always!
1 comment:
Oh, the creatures are so much fun, aren't they? Nature is such a wonderful thing!
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