Yesterday I had one of those mornings. C and H were coughing and C was cranky and very much needing me. And I was feeling overwhelmed and PMSing. I made him everything he wanted and he still didn't seem happy and cried. Finally I asked WHAT DO YOU WANT, in a not very compassionate tone. He cried and said I JUST WANT YOU. Then he asked me to hug him. He always wants me to hug him when he is sad. So I hugged him and the day slowly started to get better.
So, even though I am in sunny and warm Texas for the winter, the sick bugs found us and the crankies still happen. I went on several walks yesterday; my sister or her husband watched the kids. We discovered a raccoon which was being eaten by vulchers. It turned into a lot of natural learning. We wondered how it died. We learned for certain vulchers do eat the eyes first. Then they eat the internal organs. We left it for other creatures to have a meal. We went back later to see it when it was dark. We saw it's rib cage, a shoulder blade bone, and collar bone. We'll see it again today to see what happened to it last night.
So, I am glad I didn't stay cranky all day and I am glad I know how to surrender to my kids. I am learning to do the same for my husband. I was out of wack yesterday and took time for myself to regain balance. I really need to go somewhere fun with the kids, but the sick bugs make that hard. I have been trying to be really frugal so when Cliff returns we can do a lot of fun things. So far, I think that will be possible. In the meantime, I am going to have to be creative for fun. Like, watch dead animals decay. LOL.
C wants to play Jigzone.com, so I better get going. He has asked me three times now.
So, even though I am in sunny and warm Texas for the winter, the sick bugs found us and the crankies still happen. I went on several walks yesterday; my sister or her husband watched the kids. We discovered a raccoon which was being eaten by vulchers. It turned into a lot of natural learning. We wondered how it died. We learned for certain vulchers do eat the eyes first. Then they eat the internal organs. We left it for other creatures to have a meal. We went back later to see it when it was dark. We saw it's rib cage, a shoulder blade bone, and collar bone. We'll see it again today to see what happened to it last night.
So, I am glad I didn't stay cranky all day and I am glad I know how to surrender to my kids. I am learning to do the same for my husband. I was out of wack yesterday and took time for myself to regain balance. I really need to go somewhere fun with the kids, but the sick bugs make that hard. I have been trying to be really frugal so when Cliff returns we can do a lot of fun things. So far, I think that will be possible. In the meantime, I am going to have to be creative for fun. Like, watch dead animals decay. LOL.
C wants to play Jigzone.com, so I better get going. He has asked me three times now.
I am adding photos from the past few days: H and a friend found a cacoon on the ground; C's after bath hairdo courtesy of his brother; a tower C made from Jenga blocks, a container with rocks and plants for caterpillars to eat once they hatch--H and a friend of his found the eggs on their own--not my idea. I didn't ask them to do any of these things. Just all cool stuff they come up with on their own.
OOOO, I hope you got pics of the racoon!
I added photos of the racoon. I have more, if anyone wants to see what is either a leg or collar bone.
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