We are having a really awesome time here with family for the holidays. Christmas and New Year's Eve was a blast with fireworks and friends over all night. The star formation (see photo) is one of many creations Camden has made with one of his Christmas gifts, GeoMags. They also got Magnetics for Christmas and they are really awesome as well.
We have not had one boring day in Texas and are really happy to be here. Most of our time is spent relaxing, playing, watching DVDs, going on bike rides, walks to feed the friendly horse down the trail, playing video games, drawing, cooking, eating, making a fire, and various other adventures. The only thing missing is Cliff, and a few other people we miss. We miss Iowa, friends, and family there, of course.
We have been putting bird seeds out in the feeders and have enjoyed seeing some really lovely birds feed. A few of the birds we've seen at the feeders and elsewhere are: black capped chickadees, woodpeckers of all sorts, American goldfinch, tufted titmouse, blue jays, cardinals, Eastern bluebird, red tailed hawks, vultures, killdeer, robins, grackles, blackbirds, finches, and sparrows. We feel so fortunate to have a new book with vivid photos and some info about birds to help with identifying birds. The boys love it, and so do I. I bought it at Wild Birds Unlimited.
I'm really grateful to my friends and neighbors who are picking up our mail and checking on our house. It has helped me to enjoy my time here even more with my family. The boys don't miss home at all, they say. We have some awesome memories to take back with us and great bonding experiences!
Sending out much love to all and wishes for a fabulous 2008...
Happy New Year to you all!
So good to hear you are having a good time in Texas. Happy New Year to you and your boys!!
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