Monday, November 12, 2007

Non-Monday blues

Well, this morning when most American families were rushing to get dressed, eat, drive to schools, daycares, and work--we were asleep! We are so lucky to live this wonderful life!!

Today, I fully realized how lucky we are to have a Lego shelf in our living room with K'nex and to come and go as we please to that shelf. When kids beg to come to our house after school to build forts, play video games, eat yummy snacks, build Lego and K'nex creations or do art projects--I guess we are truly lucky to live this way everyday! My boys have been enjoying building some special friendship lately.

We had a few minutes between errands today, so we toured a really neat private school in a big old house. It only has nine students and a two teachers. It is a really beautiful house and they have a neat set-up. We loved all the pets they have, too! Each child has a tailored curriculim based on their interests. If I had to send my kids to school this would be a neat place for them to go each day instead of public school.

We were inspired by the private school's pets, and went to Petco later today. We came home with a Beta fish for each boy. Holden really wanted a mouse and a parakeet as well. Both boys loved all the animals, and I wish I could say yes to all of them. I just have a hard time seeing wild animals in cages (or running lose in my house).

The past few days I had fun preparing another box of items needed and wanted by my husband. We'll mail it tomorrow; he should get it next week. Tonight we made cut outs of the boys hands and feet to make turkeys to send to dear husband in time for Thanksgiving. We have lots of other art works the kids have done on their own for him. Even a neighbor boy has made some drawings to be included.

Life is good here and we are all well! Glad we don't have to worry about the Monday blues. The only blues we have right now is related to the lack of daylight and missing you-know-who!!! But as far as the weather goes, we really can't complain. I think we are having the best fall in years!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, such a wonderful life, indeed! Happy to hear of your happiness!!!