Thursday, May 14, 2009


Learning in Freedom Everyday. That has been our theme for about 5 years. And we are going to immerse ourselves in that the next month.

We are packed and ready to go tomorrow. L.I.F.E. is really cool, ya know. A week from now I have a feeling we will see the world very differently!!! Those of you out there who live this cool life, know what I mean.

We are headed to the L.I.F.E. is Good conference in Washington in a little less than a week. I hope to see you there. I will be doing my best to blog once a week. If I don't, it may not happen.

Happy summer time days to all!!!

Lots of smiles,
Heather xoxoxox


kelli said...

Have a great time! I thought we'd maybe make it there this year but alas we'll be in MN!

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Have fun in MN! This may be the only time we ever get to go. I learned from the Live in Learn (which I never made it to) that some things never stay the same. But life always gets better for those who see life through rose colored glasses.

juliecache said...

have a grand trip out there and back!