Tuesday, May 26, 2009

High on L.I.F.E.

We are feeling a real sense of renewal after the LIFE is Good conference we attended with our boys. We are grateful for the experience and sad it is over. Both boys had the time of their lives as well. I have lots of photos and I will post them when I get to a place with wi-fi. I am using Cliff's sister's computer now. We are planning to be in Seattle a few more days at least and then headed to MT again for a few days. After that we plan to camp in Yellowstone for a week or so. After that we plan to head home via Colorado...which could take a week or so. We have a few stops to make there and are excited b/c we haven't spent any time there.

I will post more about the conference when I upload photos. All is well.

Love to all!

~Heather :O)

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