Sunday, May 11, 2008

Grandma Wade and our day

It was a good day. We went to see Cliff's maternal grandmother. She was a big part of his life as a child. It was our first time seeing her since she moved out of her home of 30 years and into an assisted living residence. She was really glad to see us and we were glad to see her. It was nice to see how well she is doing for over 86 years. She and Cliff talked about family photos and people we hadn't seen in awhile.

Afterward we (Cliff) ran a few errands. Camden slept in the car--Holden and I stayed in the car with him, and then we went to an Indian buffet for lunch after Cliff was done with his errands. We came home and Cliff spent most of the afternoon putting up a new ceiling fan with light in the kitchen. And then he went out to change the oil in the van. That was a terrible process. He is still not done. He thinks Walmart workers glued the oil filter to the van last time I was in because he couldn't get it off.

So, I went on a nice, long walk while the kids played with friends and then I showed the boys' friends a slide show on Flickr of our trip to Texas. It was awesome to share those pictures. We had a lot of laughs talking about all our adventures.

Yes, it was a good day for us. We are very happy to all be together, healthy, and happy. Hope your day was special too!

1 comment:

Heidi Snavley said...

Wow, you've posted so much since my last visit to your blog!! Looks like you and your family have been up to a bit too! Don't you love springtime? And yes, thank goodness for unschooling; living and learning naturally!! I too am always amazed at what they pick up from just living. Someone mentioned one time that school mimmicks the real world. Kev says, "So why not just live in the real world?"